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Brunello di Montalcino - Il Poggione

2014er Brunello di Montalcino - Il Poggione Im Glas ziegelrote Reflexe mit einer anregend duftigen Nase und Anklängen von Amarenakirschen und Waldhimbeeren. Ungemein feinmaschig, aber auch offen in der Nase, überzeugt der Wein mit seinen differenzierten Noten. Am Gaumen samtig weich, ungemein rund und poliert, wird der Wein in der zweiten Hälfte von merklichen Gerbstoffen gestützt. Ein traditioneller Brunello so wie er sein soll. Ungemein lang und zartgliedrig hat dieser Jahrgang ein wahrlich großes Alterungspotential.
Il Poggione has one of the appellation's most enviable track records for quality and cellar longevity. The 2014 Brunello di Montalcino is a different beast. This wine prizes elegance, finesse and a compact mouthfeel. I would suggest a slightly shorter drinking window of approximately ten years. No matter how you cut it, the wine is absolutely beautiful and indeed ranks high on a list of favorite wines from the vintage. The bouquet is chiseled and tight with wild blueberry, plum, red rose and a touch of cherry confit. No doubt the mouthfeel is thinner in this vintage, but the wine has plenty more going on to keep your attention. I'm liking it. I went back to the bottle a few days after it had been opened and the wine was still going strong "
94/100 Punkte - Trinkreife: 2020-2035 2014er Brunello di Montalcino – Il Poggione nur 28,99€ statt 33,80€/Fl.

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