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2009er Chateau Batailley - Subskription

"Tiefes Purpur, satt in der Mitte, Granatschimmer am Rand. Splendides, offenes Black-Currant-Bouquet, süsslich, mit einer Nuance Brombeergelée. Im Gaumen weich, samtig, sehr feine Tannine, schon völlig präsent und wie damals ein paar 82er daherkommend. Hier wird man sehr früh viel Spass haben und das gut und locker 20 Jahre lang. Kaufen!"
18/20 Punkte - Trinken: 2016-2036

"The 2009 Batailley should give the 2005 a run for its money. It is a slightly sweeter, richer, softer wine (somewhat atypical for Batailley as it is generally one of the more structured and backward of the Pauillacs) exhibiting a dense purple color as well as notes of smoke, blackberries, cassis, charcoal, and oak. Deep, full-bodied, rich, and already seductive, it should have 25+ years of evolution ahead of it."
90-92/100 Punkte - Trinkreife: 2010-2035

Currant and blackberry on the nose, with hints of toasted oak. Full-bodied, with big, chewy tannins. This is the biggest Batailley in years. Lots of improvement here.
92-95/100 Punkte
Château Batailley - 5. Cru Classé Pauillac 2009 28,50 EUR